It was an early morning and the sun was just rising and I spotted the Black Kite sitting on top of a tree, quickly I took my camera out and by the time I focus I saw another Kite approaching towards this sitting Kite. I was in dilemma as which one should I shoot? Bird in flight or sitting bird? For no reason I thought to shoot bird sitting on a branch and I took few shots and in a moment I saw in my viewfinder the other bird approached and started feeding something however in fraction of a second I realize that it’s not feeding but these birds are mating/ courtship because male Black Kite feeds the female in mid-airs during courtship, in this case, female was sitting on branch and luckily I captured all action. The whole episode lasted just for few seconds and I was lucky enough to witness this rare mating/ courtship and photograph it.
I got few snaps and now I got a big question which one should I keep as my final photograph? I did select 2 finalists but not sure which should be the top one? Would you please help me to choose? Simply comment/reply on which one you liked most. (Square or Wide)

Rare Photograph of Black Kite mating/courtship

Rare Photograph of Black Kite mating/courtship